Sunday, October 21, 2012

Learning Many Things by Imitation.

The teenagers are effected by entertainers's drinking.

For several years now, teenagers in Korea have rated being an entertainer as one of the most popular choices when asked about their future career aspirations. Because children think of entertainers as successful man. The serious problem is the tendency toward copycat behavior : our children dress, talk, and behave in ways that they model after characters on TV and in the movies. This is especially worrisome since so many of these programs are excessively violent and sexually suggestive. Many legal experts believe that delinquency problems are made much worse by young people imitating what they see in the media.

Likewise, these programs could give rise to the serious problem of under-age drinking. Especially, Celebrity entertainment shows are very popular these days. In these shows, entertainers speak of their drinking as if it meant nothing to them. They say : "Once I starts to drink, I can hit the bottle!" , "I love strong liquors". There is no doubt it has a bad influence on teenagers. Since children and teenagers cannot make right decisions on their own sometimes, they may think drinking is OK after watching these entertainment programs. They can be seen to copy the behavior of others whom they admire or identify with.
The source of article :

1 comment:

  1. Entertainers certainly may have an influence, but I'd say that parents and the rest of society has a bigger part to play. I have a difficult time finding a place to eat in many neighborhoods that isn't a drinking establishment (or at least mostly so at night).


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