Saturday, December 8, 2012

[The middle class in china is increasing explosively. “It will change the industry environment of Korea”]

With the increasing of the middle class in China, There will be a new chance to the Korean companies. The growth of the middle class in china which is the biggest market in the world will make the popularity of the high-value added product and the economical consumer goods which are the reflection of consumer's characteristic.
The increasement of the middle class in china will be the reason for change of the korean companies' strategy which have been concentrated on the export of intermediary goods. There can be new competition in the new market. So the swift preparation is needed.

◆The explosive growth of the middle class in China... It is expected the population of China will attain four hundred million people in 2020years.

There are many prospects that the fast economic growth of China will make the explosive increasement of middle class in near future. The American Consultant Company Mackinji reported the prospect. The proportion of Chinese urban middle class who is having the disposable income about 16,000~34,000$ will increase from 6% to the 51% in 2020year. The families will increase from 14million families in 2010 year to 1hundred million and 67million families(4hundred billion peoples) in 2020year.
Recently, Chinese government's Institution "The Renovation and Development Institution of China" analyzed that the number of the middle class in china will be attained to 6 hundred million people in 2020 years. The reason of explosive growth in Chinese middle class have some reasons. Rapid urbanization, economical growth are the representative factors. The 7% ranges of economical growth at least in a year. The growth of middle class is a natural phenomenon.
With this trend, The chinese leadership is also showing their will to raise the middle class in China. On The Chinese Community Party's 18th National Representative Forum, The leadership of China proposed the goal about the personal income for the first time.
They showed the will for consume-centered economy proposing the goal of increasement of GDP and Personal Income twice between 2010-2020year.
No-Joong-Lim, the investment strategy team leader of the IM invest stock company, analyzed that the chinese leadership who had been concentrated on the growth-centered economy are changing their policy to the stable growth policy which is concentrating on dispose. So the middle class will get more strength.
Jae-Jin-Han, the researcher of Hyun-Dae Economy Academy, said that "China will accelerate their consume-centered growth policy in their economical growth trend. Then This policy will grow the middle class population which is apt for the international standard. However, Many experts indicate the necessity of bic-scale land market and financial market before the rapid growth of middle class population.
Researcher Han, diagnosed that "Institute social security system and lack of financial item market have to be solved for the expansion of middle class. So, their goal will be achieved when they prepare the system for the real income. Byung-Seo-Jeon, the guest professor of Kyeong-Hee University pointed out "promotion of middle class is not only depend on the increase of payment but also development of financial asset. So, the important point in growth of middle class is depend on the development of real estate and financial item market."

◆China is expecting the expansion of domestic market... The company in Korea should increase the export of financial item.

The change of Industrial structure is forecasted with the increasement of "people who can afford to shop" more than "people who have money to live on" in China. The China which had been concentrated on the production of industrial goods will be developed to the largest domestic consumption market. This result will make the popularity of consumer goods like fashion product, luxuries, leisure product, and consumer goods in high price. This change can make joy and sorrow of the korean companies.
The company of complete product or economical consumer product(Cosmetic, Clothes and Food Business) will get a chance to take part in the new large market from now on.
Professor Jeon said "Especially, Korea is competitive in Beauty, Plastic surgery, Cosmetic product and Fashion parts. We can see the sign of jackpot from the companies which made new branch already or selling their products well." However, Expansion of middle class mean the improvement of payment. So the company which is advanced in China already need the measure for payment. Professor Jeon also warned "Sizinping's leadereship informed the minimum wage system in china. Then they will achieve the goal of duple average wage in the near future. So, The company which was aimed at the low labor cost in china will undergo hard time or kick out from the Chinese market."
There are many comments that Korean company have to prepare for the fast growing of Chinese middle class. Especially, they analysis that we have to change our export items from the intermediary goods like Semiconductor and Petro-Chemistry to the complete products which is targeting the middle class in China.
A researcher, Hyo Jin Kim in Dong-Bu stock firm, said that "The Korean companies need overall improvement in trade constitution. Because, they are high in export rate of the Intermediary goods but low rate in consumer goods export. Also, the other researcher pointed out the fact "As the growth in chinese consumer market is accelerating, We have to expand the item category in consumer goods for the preoccupation in the chinese' document market. So, We need to find the small businesses which have export competence. Then we have to raise the selected companies"
Entering into the Chinese domestic market, We need to procure the best competence comparing with the global businesses. Team's leader, No-Joong-Lim , diagnosed that "The growth of Chinese domestic market is not only good chance for the Korean but also for the other countries. So the competition between many global companies will be more intensed."

Original article
Intermediate composition class #3
English Education
Hyeong Sang Lim 임형상

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Government should expand caring system for the disabled.

Government should expand caring system for the disabled.


$40 trillion budget is not enough for caring the disabled

A girl who cared her disabled brother died without any help

Ji Woo Park(13) who cared her disabled brother(11) died while trying to protect her brother in a fire. Her father, who works as a temporary night-shift worker said, "She often said she wants to be a nurse when she grows up in order to take care of her sick brother." It shows that the family who has a disabled son (or brother, etc.) should sacrifice their whole life for caring him without any help.

According to the latest statistics, there are only 317 people who can have 'the caring service for the disabled.' This service offers a family practical help. Volunteers help the disabled without bringing them to the center. People who have a disabled son/daughter wants this service because they should work to support their family economically.

Unfortunately, our nation still has a shoestring budget to help them. The main reason is budget crunch. I still do not believe this excuse. It is because they could pay more attention to the caring the disabled program rather than spending $50 trillion budget on four-river refurbishment project.

Government insisted they spent $40 trillion budget a year to help disabled people. When we calculated it, only 2000 disabled people received help from volunteers for 2 hours a day. 
Korean  government should realize how shameful it is. Korean government is only looking forward to having the name developed country. I want to say that developed countries did not be made only by economic development. Building a welfare state is the main source of developed countries. I hope Korea realizes the fact that we need more services for disabled peoples better life.
To make it come true, people should pay more attention to it together. People do not consider this kind of news as a necessary thing in our society. We should not shift the responsibility of taking care of the disabled on to their family. The more the government disregards the public who have disabled family, The more we should try to reform it together.
(Video 1: Parents who have disabled children decided to shave their hair to require help from government.)
(Video 2: Non-disabled people should know disabled people's life.)
original article:
IEC#2 Fall 2012, 201110464 강주연

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The father group who have only daughter has highest awareness of gender equality

The father group's awareness of gender equality who have only daughter is the highest among school parents. According to survey of nearly 1800 elementary, middle and high school parents conducted by Korean Women's Development Institute in July, The father group's score who have only daughter is highest as average 76.76 point. It is higher than the mothers who have sisters (74.92 point /second rank) or the mothers who have only daughter (73.72 point/ third rank) nearly 2~3 point.
 The score gap between another father group is more clear. There is full 16 point gap between the father group who have only son (60.69 point) that ranked lowest score level. Also the father group's score who have brothers(63.32point/ranked ninth) or sisters (68.05point/ranked seventh)is lower than the father group's score who have only daughter each 13point and 8point.
Among parents, mothers(71.50point) have high gender equality level compared fathers(64.81point) or regarding children gender, the parents's score(73.38point) who have daughter is higher than the parents's one(68.18point) who have son.
 Sang Soo Ahn, a researcher at Korean Women's Development Institute analyzed children's gender has significant effect on father's awareness of gender equality and he focused on ' daughter idiot phenomenon ' (implied the father who regard his daughter as the apple of his eye ). He said, " Even the man who have common idea indirectly undergoes discrimination on raising his daughter." Also he explained, "Worry and expectation about daughter's life effect father's awareness." He added, "These conscious change may be restricted to personal level because it comes from 'Paternalism' so the key to solution is to expand understanding and sympathy about female not restricted in family member."
The survey consist of 12 questions and the result is calculated by converting 4 point measure of answer into 100 point. The survey questions may be summarized as follows : 'A man who is breadwinner should get a salary more.'
'A man is working as assistant under female boss looks strange. ' 'A woman is poor at deciding important thing compared to man.' ' A man who cooks and keeps house looks strange.'
CLASS 3 # )  201110556 김지혜

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Economics graduate illustrates a life of passion

Illustrator Jang Suk-won has been voluntarily painting murals across 40 cities and counties nationwide since 2009. But he wouldn’t simply define the act as the latest buzzword - “talent donation.”

“I have been painting for free not because I am such a good person,” the 42-year-old painter said in a recent interview.

“I want to sustain my professionalism as a painter. Just as private companies contribute to society with social works, individuals are also supposed to do so and that way their social, economic expectancy is extended.”

He added that over the course of the voluntary works, his painting capability has improved, his human network has expanded and he has thus earned his reputation. All those side effects have actually led to paid works.

His paintings are dispersed across libraries, book cafes catering to female married immigrants and community halls across the country from Wanju in North Jeolla, Yangsan in South Gyeongsang, Busan, Cheongju in North Chungcheong to Anseong in Gyeonggi. On the wall of the apartment where he lives in Gusan-dong, western Seoul, he completed a mural with the face of each and every kid in his town.

His voluntary works total up to 100, when T-shirt illustrations, posters and fliers that he drew for free are taken into account.

Wanju was where he started his voluntary work. He first visited the town because the “people were nice and the meals were delicious.” He has thus far painted murals on five public buildings there and even obtained honorary citizenship from the municipal government in August.

He has an unusual career path. Having graduated from the economics department at the prestigious Yonsei University, he worked at SK Telecom, a top mobile carrier, until he turned 35. Then he dropped out of the company to “pursue what he liked most.” The key catalyst was his divorce.

“I thought I led a model life as an elite,” he said, “But once I became a divorced man, I realized all the things that I had considered valuable may not be everything.”

When he made up his mind to start painting, there was only one person who supported him - the owner of the bar he was frequenting at the time. Others tried to stop him, saying things like, “How would you compete with those who have majored in painting since middle school?” or “You don’t know how hard it will be to earn a living through painting.”

But contrary to concerns of people around him, his paintings were highly appreciated. He drew illustrations for KB Card, Hollys Coffee and Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival and many other commercials. He started making a living solely by painting in 2007. “When I do things that I love, the energy consumption level is much lower and I get exhausted less,” he said.

Lately, lectures on his personal story have also become part of his activities. “Talent donation has become part of my personal value,” he says. “I wish there were more programs devised to link those who want to donate their talents.”

Original article:


Intermediate English Composition class #3
International Trade 201299002
Hyoseok Song 송효석

The best expression is that “Teacher did nothing”.

 In Young Choi, a literature teacher at the Gyeonghui High school explains to students ‘Creating your own book’. A person standing between the right student groups is teacher Choi.

Interview/ In Young Choi, a literature teacher
When we give them a place to show     
They tell their stories naturally by themselves      

At the Gyeonghui High school, the total number of students who are doing “Creating your own book” is 250. To publish a book, teacher Choi should read them and comment on the manuscripts which 250 students wrote hard. Teacher Choi reads all of students’ manuscripts which are over 30 pages. If we think what she does as a job, she is doing a publishing editor who helps author to be able to write a book well. I met teacher Choi and asked why she made this kind of class.

-You have started this class since 2010. Is there any reason?

“In 2009, I was homeroom teacher for 1st grade and took lessons. It was been almost 10 years since I taught 1st grade students in the last time. They did not know what they should do and what the dream is. I got a great shock. I kept thinking about the power change students. I thought if they have dream, their lives will be changed. Then, I was concerned about how to make them have dreams. I think dream is created in the story of the past, the present, and the future rather than falling out of the sky. Dreams grows well when the whole story is completed such as in the past I had some experience, and based on that experience, I've got some goals, and for them what do I do and how do I live my future. In this sense, I made ‘Creating your own book’ class to make them reflect on their lives.”

- You made students write many articles as answers of a lot of questions, so they could write them from their minor stories. Is there any reason?

“I believe that their story have the fundamental power to change the children. Nowadays, children look very depressed. They are tired. All students feel like they are always being chased not only students who are behind of the entrance exam competition but also students who are in front of it. Then, the current education system forces them to memorize Knowledge. I thought they need to be healed. I think that they can change their lives when they look at their life stories and they make their lives by themselves. Those students have the power to overcome when they meet quite hard difficulties.”

-I think students do not write an autobiography or poetry but they are in the situation that they cannot do. How do you think?

“The environment surrounding the children quickly changes itself. I think if they write poetry well, they will get good test scores in Practice Tests but many people think that two things are totally separated. So, they are getting away from poetry. They think poetry not their lives but the problems so they never try to read and write them. I worried about they cannot write a lot, but they were better than I expected. Sometime while I was reading, I shed tears a little. I realized that they were much more tired and hurt than I thought. While I was looking at them, I thought that though they have something they want to talk in their minds, there is no place where they could express them. If they could be released by writing, I thought it worth it. Interview was the same. The only thing that I did was showing demonstration to try it like this. Among what they said, the best expression is that “Including interview, teacher did nothing”. It is true. Students did everything.”

- Through this class, I think you would be concerned with teacher’s role. What do you think of about teacher’s role?

“A great class is not teacher lugging students but putting cornerstone to let them do by themselves. A great lesson is that students feel a sense of accomplishment by themselves after class. I should plan a big picture and put a corner stone of class. After then, I should step behind. I am not a main actor. The teacher’s role is making students feel that they did it by themselves.”

-What is the most impressive autobiography which students wrote?

“From the teachers’ perspective, everything is great. ‘The closer you see the more beautiful. The longer you see the more adorable. You are the same.’ This is Tae Ju Na’s poet, A Flower. Students’ lives are the same. If you look at them closer, everything is beautiful. There is one thing I did not know until I read writings. After reading the articles, each one looks adorable and pretty. However, they cannot afford to face their wonderful lives by themselves. There is no chance to look at their lives closely. When they have the power, they could take care of others beyond themselves. I hope that they could get the power through this activity.”

The original article


“There’s no need to notify the school violence” … 38% of it occurs in a classroom.

[CBS Tae-im Jo

 It turned out that a number of students did not report that they suffer from school violence for a reason that there is no use.

On 23th of November, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family announced the result of the research on school violence intended for 15,954 Korean middle and high school students.

For the last one year the rate of victims was 6.7%. As for the reaction after they suffered, the most frequent answer was ‘did not let anyone know’ which took 32.5%. It was led by ‘told friends’ (26%), ‘notified family’ (21%), and ‘informed teachers’ (19%).

The survey also asked why they did not report anyone for those who said ‘did not let anyone know’ and 52% of them said because it was useless.

In addition to that, 42.5% of the students who have suffered from school violence answered that there was no special reason for school violence. This indicates that the violence happens unconditionally. Behind the answer, there were two or more answers including ‘because the victim is weak’ (14%) and ‘because the victim has bad personality’ (10%).

Similar to the former result, students who have committed school violence said that they hit other students for no special reason and the answer took 31%, the second frequent response. ‘Because they did something wrong’ (47%) was most frequent one, ‘to take some money’ (4%) and ‘because friends did that to’ (3.5%) were the next.

The fact that 38% of the school violence took place in a classroom shows us the maxim ‘the bacon does not shine on its own base.’ For other answers, there were ‘outside of the classroom’ (12%) and ‘somewhere of narrow paths’ (10.5%).

It was figured out that 42% of the students were hit by schoolmates or seniors or juniors. 6% of them were suffered from violence by students from other school.

The age when they first experience school violence was when they were 11 and it is younger than the last survey’s result which was 13. It shows that the age was getting younger and younger when they undergo violence at school.

Based on the research, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family is planning to open a ‘117 center’, which help students to report their pain. Furthermore, they are going to consider a countermeasure such as using counseling center in the cyber space and encourage students to be counselors in order to listen to their peers’ worries.

original resource:

A very special dinner menu at Pierre Gagnaire Seoul, 'Hommage a Seoul'

Lotte Hotel Seoul presents a special dinner menu at its French restautant 'Pierre Gagnaire Seoul', which opened in Octobet 2008, to thank people's constant and unchanged love and care for Pierre Gagnaire. Pierre Gagnaire Seoul is one of many Pierre Gagnaire restaurants in the world and chef Pierre Gagnaire is regarded as one of the best French chefs. He is called by many glorious nicknames like 'Picasso of Cuisine' or 'Chef of God'.

The menu was named after a French word 'hommage' which means respect and gratitude. It consists of the best ones of all the dishes that Pierre Gagnaire Seoul restaurant has created so far by re-interpretating Korean ingredients in its own style.

This special menu 'Hommage a Seoul' menu offers amuse-bouches which comprise of 'scallops with carrots and tangerine syrup', 'tuna with French style Kimchi and salaries' and 'sour King Crab meat with onion cream that contains curry'.After that, it offers 'abalones and escargots cooked in Bourgogne style with moel crumble and Geun-dae', 'bananas, mangos, apples and curry with Dodo sauce in lobstet meat broth', 'fois grae soup with blanched vegetable, bacon, and Jerez', 'Jeju Okdom cooked in sea urchin meat broth', 'cod with roasted mushroom galette and smoked horse mackerels', 'beef with pepper scent sauce', 'Gruyer cheese and yogurt', 'white chocolatr and omiza jelly', three kinds of cheese. This menu consists of 17dishes by 7 servings and ends with 5 kinds of desserts. Hommage a Seoul costs W 280,000[This is according to the latest menu on the website. When this article was written, it was W 300,000] and you have to pay tax and service charge, too.

This special menu starts from 19th February and is expected to suggest inspiring solutions to the globalization of Korean cuisine rather than just to offer good food and drink.

the original article :

Pierre Gagnaire Seoul Restaurant website :
(You can check the current menu on this website.)

Australian Police, came to victim and said...

"It was not racial crime" they repeated their original position... They did not apologize for racial statement.

 Australian police aroused criticism that they visited to Jo(28)'s house (Jo who is a victim of attacks of Brisbane) and suggested their position that there were not clear evidence for criminal intent, so it wasn't racial crime.

On 2 December, according to Korean consulate in Sydney and Jo, two policemen belonging to the Queensland Policy Agency visited Jo's house, explained their position about this crime and listened Jo's opinion.

Abnormally visiting victim's house appear by causing a stir about saying "It is a dangerous to wander at night but Asian did, so Asian are stupid and silly" which was said by a policeman in the process of investigating this cime.

However Inspector Camp never apologized for racial statement which was said by the officer in charge of the case rather, to Jo they suggested their position that this crime was not racial crime.

Jo said this case may racial crime targeting at Asians, because there were many Asians, including Chinese in Brisabane where was case occured.

Brisbane Times reported Inspector Camp said "I explained this case was a robber injury case (not racial crime) which targeted expensive cellphone to victim and he understood and sympathized this explanation"

Inspector Camp emphasized that victim was chose at random, it was not that Jo became target of crime because he is Korean or Asian.

 "I was amazed after I heard the Inpector said those things through local media and Australian police seems to be interest in improving this case was not racial crime, with concerns about negative effect for their nation reputation." Jo said.

Also, he added "Strictly speaking, there were no evidence whether criminal intent was racial discrimination or not, but they didn't accept my opinion that this case may occured with racial discrimination intent."

Furthermore, he amplified "I was stifled that the officer in charge of the case who said 'Asian are stupid' denied that he didn't say like that" and "Inspector Camp wanted to visit again but I rejected because I don't have anything to expect"

Original Article :

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sony's Fall and Samsung's Advance

A self-esteem of Japan which is a kingdom of electronic product dropped on the floor. Samsung and LG hold the first and second rank in the world TV market. We cannot see the name of Japanese businesses in the world cell-phone market. The total profit of major electronics companies of Japan such as Sony, Panasonic, Sharp and so on is less than Samsung electronics' one of Korea. Japanese electronics companies which was called "Bank" because stacked cash flowed are in condition to worry about survival.
Fitch, one of the most renowned international ratings agencies, downgraded 3 grade and 2 grade respectively by presenting that the credit rating of Sony is 'BB-'. and one of Panasonic is 'BB'. The credit rating of Japanese electronics companies which make money in the world market fell into level of junk. Sony, Panasonic and Sharp attempted to make a comeback by restructuring about 10,000 employees this year, but it is difficult to predict the future because of drop of competitiveness and deterioration of ability of corporate acquirers.
The collapse of Japanese electronic companies is predicted beforehand. They crumbled as sandcastle because of three years of misfortune that are the financial crisis of Europe, the high value of the yen and the Earthquake of Japan in circumstance that the competitive of product of their enterprises is lower than Samsung and LG. The creative energy of Japanese corporations faded away after first-generation people who are filled with an enterpreneurial spirit reitred. They couldn't catch up with speedy change of digital technology because they focused on a progressive improvement rather than a daring innovation. The orgnization which is run by management specialist focused on domestic rather thatn following the flow of the world economy because of conservatization and bureaucratization. Eventually, they missed proper time of investment decision and restructing.
There is no eternal winner in market. The correct answer isnt' there, too. That is a lesson that Japanese companies who are called a textbook of management give to us. Korean companies improve the organization by restructuring after financial crisis, and they construct a leadership which was combined with an owner of the company and a strategy organization, so they catch up with Japan's one. Their fortes are a long-term vision, a drastic investment, a quick decision-making and power of execution. Now, Japanese and Western companies as well as enterprises of emerging market such as China and India are learning a style of management of Korea.
Major companies of Korea are facing the important time that they have to jump up to be creators of market. It is essential to stand a market order by rectifying the leader's illegal act and an unfair trade of major companies. However, political community must not butcher a cow when they are about to adjust its horn.
The original article:


Intermediate writing class #3
French Education
200710634 Jiho Kim

Presidential election D-18, Ahn Chul-su could be make a new political party.

Mr. Ahn is showing signs of making a new political party before next reelection and special election. This is because, after he gave up presidential election, Mr. Ahn showed a willingness to continue the politics. There are several support argument for this.


First, last month, after he gave up presidential election, he said, "Declining is not the end. Next year, reelection will be held." Some people accepted through his mentions that he will continue to interested in politics. Second, Mr. Ahn always claims political reform. For this he have to have the several number of several seat of congress. Third, he often use the word 'a nation', but some people said, the word substance is little uncertain. However, these days, he use the word which is supporter. This is because he might felt that he have to collect the core supporter for his Organization-based. Fourth, he showed that he will maintain his forum. If he make a new party, the forum could be turnover local committees.

Some people think that the meeting with Sohn Hak-kyu is maybe one of the reason. However, if he make a new party, it will be helpful to the party in power. We need to see a little more.

Energy Conservation Measures for Winter

The Ministry Knowledge Economy has announced new measures for energy conservation during this winter, from January 3 to February 22. First, the measures require government offices and commercial buildings to maintain room temperature at below 18 and 20 degrees Celsius respectively. Secondly, Commercial buildings need to close the entrance door when they use heating systems in order to prevent electricity shortages. If they do not follow the measure, they will get a warning. If they violate the measure again, they will be charged fines, from 500.000won to 3.000.000won. Third, retailers are required to use one neon sign from 5 oclock to 7 oclock in the afternoon. According to the government, these measures scheduled to be implemented because there is growing concern over power shortages. If the nations power reserves fall below 4 million kilowatts, for commercial buildings with high electricity demand and government offices, electricity consumption would be limited from10 oclock to 12 oclock in the morning.