Sunday, October 21, 2012

Songdo International City achieve to host GCF headquarters.


As it is chosen as the host of the GCF headquarters office, In-cheon city set plans to build building for the Green Climate Fund(GCF) office at the Songdo International Business District.

 On the September 21, In- Cheon City pronounced that city will moves into the GCF office successfully and examines carefully a taskforce which is to maximize spreading effect as the GCF office came in and City will discuss Central government how dispatch the personnel and establish a law for supporting GCH business plan.

 The GCF office will be housed in February next year when construction of The building be completed. it hasn't any lease expenses for the GCF like regional offices of some international organizations that already housed in. In-Cheon City will provide 33 floors of Tower, except 16 floor since it will be used a machine room. there will be 15 stories are being provided as an executive office. following this project. at fisrt, city will provide seven floors in conjunction with launching the building. and after being leased for general organization. Remaining eight floors will be lend to others by step-by-step to meet demands.

 Also, by Speeding up the process of construction, which is now completed about 91% , City ensured confidently the perfect completion of tower. Mayor will hold a discussion to handle a related subject such as zoning problem, financial support to electricity, water rates and so on.
In-Cheon expect that there will be a lot of moving into Songdo national city from newly rising institution which combined Green finance and Eco-industry.

 In addition to attracting related agencies and business at Songdo international city, city also have planning to submit a deregulation policy to government so as to revitalize the state which is now somewhat depressed. In-Cheon will enter the competition to host the World Bank (WB) office in Korea where is going to deposit the funds of Songdo International City.

 Futhermore, In-cheon set plan to support learning activities at Songdo Global University through establishment of sisterhood with some countries in Africa. In relation to this, Song Young gil ,who is the mayor of In-Cheon city ,said "through consultation with government, Incheon city will speeding up administrative procedures for the resident and look through other parts that city can do for so as to support as much as possible".

Vedioes related Songdo Internatioal City

1 comment:

  1. There might be a lot of good jobs there for English majors :-)


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