Tuesday, October 30, 2012

An army recruit training center is more tough than swimming training

Park Tae Huan , the ‘marine boy’’s saying. He entered a training camp of the army to accept basic military training last October 4,2012. He was treated as an exception because he won 3 medals in Asian games in 2006, but he was required to accept 4 weeks training. Ran without stopping until London Olympics, he was admitted to the camp after Olympics.  He entered there with bright smile and said “I’ll receive  military exercise well with a heart of taking a swimming exercise. I’ll rearm my mental power.”

However, on October 30, Park In Ho, Park’s father, laughed that his son, Park Tae Huan, sent letters and said that it is more difficult training at the camp than swimming.


On October 26, Park’s picture has been issued. He wore epaulets on his shoulder. It was a green eqaulets  which  is  only  given to squad commander. Park’s father said that it was actually a platoon sergent , not a squad commander.  He also said that Park has became a platoon sergent by recommdation of companies, adding he has learned a lot though counseling his colleagues who is suffering from panic disorder and claustrophobia. Thanks to this equalets, he was valuated as ‘well adapted Park’. He even passed field firing at once, showing off his ability.

With the London Olympics ahead, Park’s deadly schedule became a hot topic. He swam over 15,000km a day. And he also went through tough physical training. But Park expressed that this 4 week training was more intense than those swimming training. His father said “ He called before, and he had a hoarse throat. He got a cold there but he couldn’t rest because he was
platoon sergent.”

Park will be released on October 31, finishing 4 weeks basic military training. He will inform his future plans on that day.


1 comment:

  1. What was his announcement? What is he going to do? He's going to be a little old for the Olympics next time, isn't he?


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