Sunday, October 7, 2012

Björk show off her mysterious charisma in Seoul

This female musician, who is not so tall and often regarded as a minor artist to many Koreans, was a major to those 5000 fans who came to her concert in Seoul. And the concert hall with continuous performances for 90 minutes was full of Björk's own musical energy with continuous performances for 90 minutes.

Such a 'fairy-tale' and 'charismatic' artist. These two seemingly contradictory words are praises for Björk who is generally regarded as a national treasure of Iceland.

Icelandic female musician Björk had her first concert in Korea succesfully at the Olympic hall of the Olympic Park on 16th this month.

This 'Volta Tour' concert, which was named after her 6th album 'Volta' that was released in May 2007, made 5000 audiences' hearts beat constantly. The drowsy and dreamlike performance in the beginning soon changed into a energetic club mood and even the standing seats were all full. 

Her experimental mind that doesn't care others' general cirteria began to show up as soon as her concert started. 

Her black hair which is reminiscent of American Indians or Wonder Woman was contrasted with her primary-color make-up. As always, she wore very preposterous costume and her powerful gestures looked like a painting on the dark and red stage. 

On the stage, red and blue flags with drawings of fish, frogs and birds were in the place instead of a wide screen. Instead, she satisfied audiences with an unusual video of a programmer playing LCD touch screens and  special effects and lazer shows. 

She looked so young that people couldn't easily believe that she was over 40 years old. And her childlike voice, which maybe all of her fans would once imitate, was really fairy-tale. That night, she was full of professional charisma with her songs which communicate with her fans by combining alternative rock, pop and electronic music.

Björk, who first started with 'earth intruders', performed continuously without any break time until she sang 'Pluto' for 16th song.

Björk just said "Thank you!" as each song ended and her audiences cheered enthusiastically, but after 6th song 'Pleasure is mine', she answered by a little bit longer words "Thank you, you are wonderful!" to the audiences.

After given fervant encore requests, she got on the stage again and asked fans to sing along for the birthday of one of her members. 

You can watch the music video of 'earth intruders' at Youtube. : 

Also, check out 'Crystalline' from her album 'Biophillia'. This is my favorite Björk song.  : 

the original article(written a few years ago) :


Intermediate writing class #2 
English education
201211003 Sang-yoon Lee

1 comment:

  1. Björk is pretty good. I don't like all of her music, but I do like much of it.


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