Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Take Care of My Mon" become a Million-Selling Novel

Celebrated author Shin Kyung-sook publish ‘Take Care of My Mom‘ in November last year and has created a "mother syndrome" which recently set a record by selling one million copies in the shortest period ever. It means that The book has sold a hundred thousand copies every month

She said "When I talk with reader, I seem to be reader about myself as if real reader publish this novel. I'm just listening to what they saying. This book is a strange work because readers tell this book much more than me after I published this book "

The story of book is that mother lives in a rural area. One day, she visits to Seoul to see her children to celebrate her birthday. However, she lost her way due to hustle-and-bustle of the downtown Seoul. To make matters worse, she could not find her children's houses on account of her Alzheimer's disease. but her family member do not know this fact
The book consist of four sections in which the daughter, son, husband, and mother take turns being the narrator. In each chapter, the narrators tell their memories and experiences regarding the mother. With her disappearance, they finally realize their indifference to her pain and loneliness

I never have read this book to tell the truth. However, I have heard a lot of good things about this book from my friends who already read this book. So, I could guess the reason of success of this book based on what I have heard.

First of all, the title is attractive. The Korean tend to be choked with sorrow by just hearing the word 'Mom' because Mom is the symbol of sacrifice for their children. So. this novel easily appeal to readers by dealing with inner and outer aspects of mother from start to end

The Second, trend and timing is good. As you know, nowaday, economics condition is not good. That is why, many people seem to want to be consoled by 'Mom'. So, this book have been stimulating reader to susceptibility.

The last, Author Shin strive to promote his book by steadily having a lecture, public reading and book review events all over the country for a long time. Even Shin is planning to meet foreign reader in 10 countries

The book is one of a good way to reach the world we didn't know. I believe this book serve as a momentum to break the ice in difficult situation of publishing world. I hope other books, which are loved from reader are also published like this book

1 comment:

  1. I think that it's great for this author to explore the issue of Alzheimer's. The Korean baby-boomers are quickly reaching the age where this is going to be a major issue for many families. It's great to start talking about it now.

    I like your extra commentary too. Good job.

    Do you read much for pleasure? I don't seem to have much time to do so these days.

    * Careful of typos, you spelled "Mom" incorrectly in the title :)


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