Freedom of expression is repressed.

Kim Je-dong
Since Kim Je-dong left the ‘Star Golden Bell (KBS)’ with no reasonable reasons, some of the famous entertainers have encountered with sufferings.

Son Suk-hee

Jin Sung-ho(left) and Kim Gu-ra(right)
Son Suk-hee, a professor at Sung-Shin Woman’s University, renounced ‘100 minutes debate (MBC)’ last 22th, and Jin Sung-ho, a member of GNP, demanded publicly that Kim Gu-ra, who is famous for his blunt remark, should retire the entertainment industry. Last year, Yoon do-hyun had to leave ‘Love Letter (KBS)’ with a doubtful reason.
Broadcasting companies explain that they have no choice because of high performance fee, long-contribution and loss of dignity but few people agree with them. Experts have reported that the Government has the policy of revanche, that is, people who are against the Government could not survive. As a matter of fact, Son Suk-hee, Kim Je-dong and Kim Gu-ra have something in common that they raised questions about the Government. Kim Chang-nam, a professor at the Anglican Church University, said “the Government has ousted people who were assigned by the last Government by abusing their authority, and it has spread over the entertainment industry”
This is not just a leaving of individual entertainers but ruling cultural hegemony. Lee Sang-gil, a professor at Yonsei University, analyzed that the Government seems to think that unless they grasp cultural hegemony they would be damaged so they suppress the press.
Netizens also have expressed their opinions on portals. After 1:44 pm when Son announced his retirement, over 200 opinions appeared on board and after the denunciation of Kim Gu-ra, around 1000 writings were piled upon Agora, which is a debate place on Daum.
Hong Soung-jun said “It is weird that the masters of programs should be changed according to the Government” Lee Min-jong delivered his opinion on Jin’s formal homepage “It is audience who decide who should leave or remain not the ruling party” Many netizens mentioned that they felt like going back to the fifth Republic when all freedom of speech was prohibited.
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This is an interesting theory, and a scary one if it's true. What do you think? Do you think that the government is exerting too much influence on the news and entertainment industries?
ReplyDeleteFrom its Internet policies, I already believe that the government is impinging too much on the free speech of Korean citizens. However, I don't know of specific incidents such as the ones cited above.