Judy Lynn Genshaft,the preesident of American Council on Education, visited Korea to join the international universty president forum. She refered on the valuation system on teachers in America in an interview. She said every school and step of system in America are following those valuation system by law, and the result of it is linked directly with salary and promotion. Adding this, she emphasized Korea should adopt this valuation system to elevate teachers' responsibty. According to her, America is operating firm valuation system on teachers' accomplishment despite it has a systematized teacher's union. She also emphasized that improving teachers' responsiblity by this kind of evaluating system will muster teachers' competitive power and students' accomplishment both.
In my opinion, teachers shoud have competitive power because they lead the new knowledge Based socety. I believe teachers' responsibility is a decisve factor in quality of eduacation. Teachers have such a heavy responsibilty in society, so the evaluating system will be a very good device to measure performance of their duties. It goes wthout saying that quality of public education will improve. Therefore there is much room for consideration in Korea, too.
These valuation systems differ in each state and even each district. I don't know if it really improves teaching.
ReplyDeleteHow do you think that this would increase the quality of instruction?