Thursday, December 6, 2012

Government should expand caring system for the disabled.

Government should expand caring system for the disabled.


$40 trillion budget is not enough for caring the disabled

A girl who cared her disabled brother died without any help

Ji Woo Park(13) who cared her disabled brother(11) died while trying to protect her brother in a fire. Her father, who works as a temporary night-shift worker said, "She often said she wants to be a nurse when she grows up in order to take care of her sick brother." It shows that the family who has a disabled son (or brother, etc.) should sacrifice their whole life for caring him without any help.

According to the latest statistics, there are only 317 people who can have 'the caring service for the disabled.' This service offers a family practical help. Volunteers help the disabled without bringing them to the center. People who have a disabled son/daughter wants this service because they should work to support their family economically.

Unfortunately, our nation still has a shoestring budget to help them. The main reason is budget crunch. I still do not believe this excuse. It is because they could pay more attention to the caring the disabled program rather than spending $50 trillion budget on four-river refurbishment project.

Government insisted they spent $40 trillion budget a year to help disabled people. When we calculated it, only 2000 disabled people received help from volunteers for 2 hours a day. 
Korean  government should realize how shameful it is. Korean government is only looking forward to having the name developed country. I want to say that developed countries did not be made only by economic development. Building a welfare state is the main source of developed countries. I hope Korea realizes the fact that we need more services for disabled peoples better life.
To make it come true, people should pay more attention to it together. People do not consider this kind of news as a necessary thing in our society. We should not shift the responsibility of taking care of the disabled on to their family. The more the government disregards the public who have disabled family, The more we should try to reform it together.
(Video 1: Parents who have disabled children decided to shave their hair to require help from government.)
(Video 2: Non-disabled people should know disabled people's life.)
original article:
IEC#2 Fall 2012, 201110464 강주연

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