YangYang International airport is called “ the world’ s quietest airport”.the BBC reported. It is because that from 2.11.2008 to 14.8.2009, in the nine months there was no one plane popped up. Passengers is 0, but the employees who works here are over 70 so it is sarcastic called “ghost airport”. Disregard the economic and local political were mentioned as an example of typical financial waste.
30.October. 2012. The same YangYang Airport, coming and leaving 224 people crowded Chinese tourists were hanging. The airport in October this year, about 23300domestic and international passengers used it, and until the end of this year the passengers is expected to be 32000.
Croydon Airport before closing, the resurrection is not only because of the Chinese tourists increased expiratory (好 机), but also the municipalities actively catch effort. Chinese tourists in 2008 from 134,000 increased 88% to 253,000 in 2011.This year is expected to reach 36 million by the end of the year. Guangwon Dou is aggressive bidding strategy that the growing Chinese tourists can make available to use YangYang Airport. Choemunsun Governor in order to attract tourists last June went to Beijing, Harbin to open tourism fairs.China travel agency pulled mogaek (募 客) funding to per capita of 10,000 won. Charter flights from 2 million to 4 million won per person per flight offered a bounty paid to exceptional conditions.
Yangyang Airport teach employees Chinese, hang the Osung Hongqi (China flag) inside and outside the airport, conduct customized services to Chinese tourists.The premise of international attract loss insurance support the introduction of the 'Air Taxi' (18-seater small aircraft) and to maintain domestic flight.Gangwon officials said that even if the various funding is giving, Chinese tourists Causing local economic impact is much larger, so Gangwon-do to the looks of the full benefit.
Yangyang Airport yuncheolhwan NYSE said that Chinese tourists increasing this year Yangyang Airport 50.28 ㎡ (15) flat largest Duty Free sales reach 7 billion forecast. And next year Of people with intellectual disabilities, sports competitions, Pyeongchang Special Olympics opens Other foreigners here would be to find more crowded .

Unfortunately, the video isn't working. Not a big deal. It was an interesting story. I heard a little about the Ghost Airport. Great example of government special projects.