Experts said "Washing your hands clearly can prevent a cold, cholera and so on. Correct way - there are lots of germ under the nail, so rub into opposite palm of the hand.

It surveyed 74.186 middle school and high school students, Centers for Disease Control said that percentage of washing one's hands practice is on the decrease. According to this survey, students who wash their hands before meal at school is decreased from 56.5% in 2009 to 34.3%. Students who use soap when they wash their hands is decreased from 72.3% to 55.5%. Before meal at home, washing their hands with using soap is also decreased.
The result which was announced recently(2011) by Centers for Disease Control is similar. 66.8% of citizen didn't use soap after going to the bathroom. Citizen's frequency of wash their hands is 8 times a day, that is decreased compared with 2009, 8.5 times a day. Frequency of use a soap is also decreased from 5.4 times to 5 times a day. Oh Myung-Don, professor of Seoul University the Internal department of Infection, said "Awakening the importance of washing hands which was very high in 2009, when the swine flu was prevailed, is decreased" and "Washing hands is easy and important way to prevent oneself from any infection"
Experts said that it is important to remove germ under the nail and you can prevent most of disease. Especially, children can prevent chicken pox, teenagers can prevent mumps, from twenties to forties can prevent hepatitis a and old people can prevent influenza effectively.
I hate seeing that. Unfortunately, I would guess that that number is just as high at our school. Too many people walk out of the bathroom without washing their hands.