Keep your eyes upon plastic surgeries to be catlike and monkeylike

You may have found these pictures jaw-dropping, and some people may even boggle to call them real human beings. Lin Tianzzuan, a Chinese, 38, has suffered a lot of discomfort due to his body covered with thousands of warts.
From the time when Lin became 13-year-old, the warts has spread out over his arms and legs as the years go by. Despite constant medical treatments and traditional therapies, his endeavors fuelled his severe conditions that the warts even reached up to his head.
According to Lin, the desperate symptom wreaks havoc on his daily life, confining him in the house for a decade. He said he would easily slide back into negative territory where he was in dread of dying in his bed. Every time he saw people calling him ‘a coral man or tree man’, he could not help feeling miserable all day long.
Providentially, after Lin had several operations a year ago, he has remarkably recuperated from the terrifying warts. Doctors, notwithstanding his recovery, still keep close watch on his condition.
The reason of their caution comes from the former patient, Debe Kkoswara, an Indonesian, whose warts have returned in 8 months after the operation.
Meanwhile, Wi Zzunhwan, a Chinese, 32, whose body is all covered with hair is planning to have a cosmetic surgery. Contrary to our expectations, he wants to have his face become as like as a monkey, so that he can fill the role of a monkey in ‘서유기’, a Chinese soap opera.
Speaking of the shocking eccentric figures, there is a woman, Jocelyn Wildenstein, 62, who had dozens of cosmetic surgeries to make her face catlike. She said she wanted to be catlike because she wanted to keep her husband who loves cats a lot. However, now, her husband has divorced Jocelyn because he had a fear of her face.
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These topics don't really seem to go together. Why do you think that the reporter chose to put these in the same article?