According to Kyoto broadcasting, police reported that they found preassuming his corpse in Mt.아라후네(sea level 1422m) september 19.
우스이 told his family " I'll go up Mt.아라후네" and disappeared.
His family did a report of disappearance since they can't contacted with him september 11.
The police reported that the corpse may be expected him.
That is located a 200m high cliff and was found by the climber.
However, it is difficult to bring the corpse because of him in a precipitous cliff.
The police have been all possible things to identify the corpse if it was him or not .
Originally, he was salesman in advertisement company.
In 1987, he made a debut in the animation when he is 27.
The main character of his masterpiece, '짱구(Japanese name 신노스케)', is created by him thinking about his funny daughter.
reference article:http://www.hankyung.com/news/app/newsview.php?aid=200909205560g
That's too bad. I never really watched it, but my nieces (and son) like it a lot.
ReplyDeleteDo you have a favorite episode? Do you watch it still?
When i was young, my favorite cartoon is this!!It was broadcast early sunday morning at 7:00 am.
ReplyDeleteSo, I wake up early in the every Sunday morning
though i'm very tired.
But now, I'm not watch this...