former President Park Jung-hee and the Manchurian neswpaper
Former President Park Jung-hee's pledge with his blood was open to the public. In the pledge, he swore that he would devote himself to Japan to go for a Manchurian army which was manipulated by Japan. The fact has shocked a nation.
The Nation Problem Institute, which was established to study and prove Korean modern and contemporary national problems, opened a Manchurian newspaper article on March 31, 1939 which carried the Park’s pledge. According to the article, former President Park applied for a Manchurian Army while he was working as a teacher in Munkung but he was rejected because of his exceeded age. However, he did not abandon and sent a pledging letter with his blood where he swore he would dedicate himself to Japan by killing himself in 1939.
In this letter, he wrote “I have a strong decision as Japanese. I would devote my life” Finally Park entered Manchurian Army in 1940 after three trials and left the Army as an honor soldier in March, 1942 so he was given a golden watch by Manchurian Emperor Pui. Seven months later, he entered a Japan Military Academy as an honor soldier and left it with Japanese soldiers in April, 1944.
A member of the institute said “A very nature of the Biographical Dictionary of Pro Japanese People has faded and become a political issue as Park Ji-man, who is a son of former President Park, applied for prohibition of provisional disposition. We do not want the very purpose, establishment of national history, to be defamed so we threw the original copy open to the public to prevent unnecessary criticism"
Some netizens said, “I feel betrayed” “He was held in high esteem as an economic president, but he had no patriotism” “He was just Japanese” “He has to reflect his fault” and blamed him.
On the other hand, others said “That happened in the colonial period so let’s not disgrace ourselves” “He accomplished economic growth when we were very poor” and defended him.
The Biographical Dictionary of Pro Japanese People is supposed to be open to the public on November 8, 2009.
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