The "2010 University Entrance Examination" started at 8:40 a.m. October 12 at 12 test centres together.
At 8:40 a.m.,after exam,all candidates were currently being carried out normally,a brisk gayety was in the air.The candidates went into the examination room, armed to the teeth with pens, pencils, rulers, computers and so on. No test taker will be admitted after test materials have been distributed.

The "2010 University Entrance Examination" started at 8:40 a.m. October 12
The examination started form Language area at 1st Period and 2st Period was Numeracy.3st Period was English. About society、Science and Career exploration area at 4st Period.Last Period was 2nd language. The exam ended at 6:05 p.m.

Because the cold weather, people up in warm clothes .Not ever the thickest clothes was enough to keep out the cold.

Before the exam ,candidates began to pray

She began to pray for the exam
No shouting in the test centres .Other students must not make any noise.
The situation is that the parent and teacher sharing the hot tea and Chocolate with each other instead of noisy environment.

The Ministry of Communications sent a lot of traffic polices to direct the traffic.Students should be encouraged to pass the exam

Because "F1N1",all candidates must take temperature.The patients were immediately quarantined.
10 candidates was suspect patient.
Many people wear masks of different colors or shapes decorated with their own pictures

some senior high school students were all rooting for the candidates.
publication of the exam results On December 9,The students would sweated blood while waiting for the examination results.The exam results could determine their career.

firends had waited for the candidates

Father and daughter

They also need a lot of encouragement and support from their parents, teachers and peers
Reference article
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