A song awards ceremony disappeared in the world of singers. The song awards ceremony lost its authority because there had been a lot of controversy over the fairness - for example, singers have to attend the awards ceremony to receive a prize. That’s why it is changed to a song festival instead of an awards ceremony as the organizers don’t want trouble with this matter.
With the song awards ceremony gone, there is no need to worry about controversy over the fairness. However, there is a hidden drawback.
Above all, as it is changing, busy singers’ schedule keep getting muddled up. They have to practice till dawn because of various shows and peculiar joint performances for the song festival of local television(지상파).
It has been especially essential for joint performance. It’s obvious that the practice is difficult for them since the singers have not normally worked together.
One of the members of a girl-group said, “It’s very hard to prepare for the song festival as well as to keep up with the broadcasting schedule. We need to catch up on sleep right after rehearsals.”
In addition, as the song awards ceremony is disappearing, there is a rush of request for celebration on the entertainer awards ceremony or the film festival to busy singers preparing unique stage. The singers don’t actually get a glimpse of the prize, but they have to celebrate at other awards. It is a bitter situation to the singers.
A certain singer pointed out, “I think that the performers have to prepare the stage for their festival like the singers do for our song festival. The performers seem to arrange the awards ceremony easily.”
A singer producer said, “We don’t like the song awards ceremony because it is affected by the entertainment management company, but the singers do want to receive prizes. It feels nice to receive an award despite the controversy.”
After the inauguration of President Barack Obama, the first envoy of turkey.
On the Thanksgiving holiday,US President Barack Obama granted his first pardon Wednesday to "Courage," on the North Portico of the White House in Washington November 25, 2009.
Accompanied by daughters Sasha and Malia,Obama pardoned his national Thanksgiving turkey.
Obama raised his hand over 'courage's head and he said"You are hereby pardoned."
Obama joked about wanting to forgo the tradition and eat "Courage." he said:"Thanks to the interventions of Malia and Sasha — because I was planning to eat this sucker — 'Courage' will also be spared this terrible and delicious fate."
Behead the pardon,"I'm told Presidents Eisenhower and Johnson actually ate their turkeys," Obama said. "I 'courage' to eat but dry in the wind daughters 'courage' to be a terrible fate, blood, food will be." Obama said. "You can't fault them for that; that's a good-looking bird."he joked
Each year when the White House Thanksgiving turkey, a national association (National Turkey Federation) received from the end to enjoy life to the pardoned turkeys the event will be held up.
President George H.W. Bush was the first to officially pardon a turkey.
"This is an era of new perils and new hardships," he added. "So on this quintessentially American holiday, as we give thanks for what we've got, let's also give back to those who are less fortunate."
On the Thanksgiving holiday, the last Thursday in November, many Americans have turkey for lunch or dinner.
Obama said "Courage" will get to spend the rest of his life in "peace and tranquility" at a Disneyland amusement park
During these 8 days, Barack Obama, president of USA, made a round of calls of Asia country. Although this round of calls didn’t give a pleasing result to America, Obama said that this round of calls will help to open up America’s commodity market and to create thousands of jobs.
This day, during visit of Seoul, he said that America will maintain recovery of economy with Asia countries and discuss about job creation of USA and Asia countries through officiating at radio and internet speech.
He said Asia countries make purchase of article of commerce and business of trade to America more than other countries. So, he believes that Asia supports millions of America’s jobs.
And he mentioned that America doesn’t solve climatic change and energy problem without the Asia-Pacific countries, so this discussion affects directly America’s national security. On this score, he thought Asia-Pacific countries are important countries for America’s economy and national security.
On the other hand, he said that North Korea and Iran were ready to suffer if they have a nuclear weapon. For sending this message, China and Russia help in this work.
Finally, president Obama said that America will make a long business of business recovery. However, he assure that America’s economy will become stronger and more prosperity than before.
The "2010 University Entrance Examination" started at 8:40 a.m. October 12 at 12 test centres together.
At 8:40 a.m.,after exam,all candidates were currently being carried out normally,a brisk gayety was in the air.The candidates went into the examination room, armed to the teeth with pens, pencils, rulers, computers and so on. No test taker will be admitted after test materials have been distributed.
The "2010 University Entrance Examination" started at 8:40 a.m. October 12
The examination started form Language area at 1st Period and 2st Period was Numeracy.3st Period was English. About society、Science and Career exploration area at 4st Period.Last Period was 2nd language. The exam ended at 6:05 p.m.
Because the cold weather, people up in warm clothes .Not ever the thickest clothes was enough to keep out the cold.
Before the exam ,candidates began to pray
She began to pray for the exam
No shouting in the test centres .Other students must not make any noise.
The situation is that the parent and teacher sharing the hot tea and Chocolate with each other instead of noisy environment.
The Ministry of Communications sent a lot of traffic polices to direct the traffic.Students should be encouraged to pass the exam
Because "F1N1",all candidates must take temperature.The patients were immediately quarantined.
10 candidates was suspect patient.
Many people wear masks of different colors or shapes decorated with their own pictures
some senior high school students were all rooting for the candidates.
publication of the exam results On December 9,The students would sweated blood while waiting for the examination results.The exam results could determine their career.
firends had waited for the candidates
Father and daughter
They also need a lot of encouragement and support from their parents, teachers and peers
>> The Change of Korean Mobile Communications Environment happened by release notice iPhone
Unreleased a smart phone ‘iPhone’ has had a great effect on Korean mobile communications market, as if dead Jegalgongmyung(제갈공명) made alive Samajungdal(사마중달) escape.
‘Release of Android Phone, general phone with WIFI, opening of online contents marketplace ...’ 3 mobile communications companies and mobile terminals manufacturing companies are pouring goods and services which satisfy people’s old desire.
These movements can’t be explained without iPhone. iPhone has been debated whether it release or not in Korea, and now it has an approval ahead by applying for location information provider to Korean Communication Commission. Although it will come out the end of this year at the earliest, change of use environment in Korean mobile communication by iPhone has already started.
SKT and LGT are planning to release Android Phone at first and second quarter of next year. This is marketing against KT’s iPhone. Not only Samsung and LG which have made Android Phone only for export, but also Pantech(팬텍) have made their position clear to supply it to Korean market at next year. Now, people who have waited iPhone have to consider what to choose.
This month, KT gets started to spread a new mobile terminal which can be Internet telephone through wireless LAN. Samsung said that they will mount wireless LAN on general cell phone if not the smart phone. Mobile communications companies so worry about a sale of data communications will be fallen that have blocked to mount wireless LAN on mobile, summiting criticism of specification down. However, it is kind of collapse of fire wall. LG has managed a dedicated division led by vice president recently.
SKT, KT, Samsung and LG make software developers participated in developing contents for them by opening online contents marketplace imitated Appstore by Apple. Last November 10th, Samsung opened platform for mobile ‘Bada(바다)’, which is made by themselves, and its development tools to worldwide developers, and announced a blueprint that they will make Samsung-centered mobile environment.
Recently, As KT and SKT changed their data communications fees, they provide people much more data communications with the same price. SKT increases twelve times by 500MB over the past that 42MB per 15,000won. Before iPhone release, this change of Korean companies can be seen as a flagging, but it is a great news for consumers. It shows that market led by mobile communications companies and mobile terminals manufacturing companies is changing into consumer-oriented with user’s experience through software.
Lee Chanjin(이찬진), a representative of Dreamwiz said, “Release of foreign smart phone, it is an opportunity for mobile communications company and manufacturing company to concentrate on high value-added products as well as for consumers have widen right of choice,” and “Value of software will get high and software market will be made, so it will be an environment that gives developers a lot of chances.”
* A related article : http://www.gjdream.com/v2/news/view.html?uid=411597&news_type=203&page=1&paper_day=0&code_M=2&list_type=203
* A related video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgW7or1TuFk
The college withdrew the expulsion of a woman who had been expelled from school because she had attended class wearing a pink mini dress in Brazil
The president of Bandeirante University near Sao Paulo in Brazil, announced this through the media on November 9, 2009, but didn’t explain the reason why they withdrew her expulsion.
게이지 아루다(20), went to college wearing a pink mini dress on the 22nd of last month and she was heckled and mocked a lot by her colleagues, and it was posted on UTube, and it received worldwide attention.
The college decided to expel her from school on the 8th saying that 아루다 neglected ethical principles, academic dignity and morality and she had been warned by the college for her previous behavior.
In addition, the national student association in Brazil announced that they were opposed to her expulsion and received a lot of comments and complaints from the women policy makers.
The college felt pressured when the Ministry of Education asked it to explain the reason for her expulsion. along with refuting the negative domestic responses
아루다’s lawyer who had heard about the expulsion withdrawal said that he had not received an official notice and only if 아루다 were ensured her safety, would she return to school. He also said that two other schools accepted her and offered her an all-expense paid scholarship
On the 10th, the Brazilian law authorities said that it was investigating the students who had insulted 아루다 and the expulsion withdrawal decision by the college wouldn’t affect their investigation.
“It is very important to married proper person. “ Warren Buffett Berkshire Hathaway president who is the most rich and represented as respectable rich and Bill Gates who is ex-president of Microsoft(MS) were tell the stories about life experience and market conditions to young university students.
On November 12th, Managed by CNBC broadcast, the president Buffett and the ex-president Gates had a town hall meeting in Columbia University.
In this One and half hours dialogue, attended almost 700 Columbia students, these two mans are reported that despites of a lot of problems, USA maintained the optimism about the economy and capitalism system.
Gates, the ex-president of MS, opened the speech with “ I’m here to share the optimism together.”, Buffett also said “ USA suffered lots of difficult time, but I’ve never thought that American’s life style wouldn’t maintained.”
Gates emphasized “Maybe, America’s capitalism will need to turn the direction, but basic system is strong.”
With investment, Buffett said “USA, the largest economic nation of the world, have a lot of invest chance than any other countries.” and the emphasized the ‘basic theory’ again. “Don’t finding the proper period to investment. In the long – term view, Invest on low-valued assets”
Buffett answered the question which is a lesson for success in life questioned by student, “Don’t work that makes lot of money, Do the work that you likes.” and “Luckily, I found what I like in a early” Especially he emphasized” It is very important married proper person”
Buffett remarried Astrid Menks after he parted from his first wife Susan by death in 2004. All their children were grown up, Susan who was apart from Buffett virtually was famous as met Menks personally, and asking for care of Buffett.
Gates answered the same question “ Thinking in a long-term view and having a healthy confidence are very important.”
Jang na-ra recently caused Chinese netizens’ wrath at the SBS ‘Kang Simjang’(강심장) TV program because of a statement she made about China. She gave an apology by video after a 1,500-word official apology. However the Chinese press and netizens’ anger would not calm down easily.
The media which heard about her a thousand official apologies published an article, ‘You know what she apologizes for?’ The article reported “What would Jang apologize for Chinese, indeed? She must be apologizing to head off problems with her work in China which is able to raise funds when the company is going through difficult times like these days.”
The press also said “Whatever the truth of her heart, the Chinese feel insulted and are enraged as this comment.”
In addition Chinese netizens seem to be unchanged in their thinking that, ‘Jang visits China to make money’, even though she gave an official apology.
Meanwhile, the Chinese press made an issue of her saying that “If I spend all my money, I go to China” at ‘Kang Simjang’(강심장) lately.
The matter is that the point of Chinese press is not only towards Jang. They point out that the majority of Korean entertainers visit China to make money. Therefore, sharp attention has been drawn to the fact that other Korean entertainers may run into problems entering the China market.
Meanwhile, Jang’s affiliates explained “We sincerely apologize to the Chinese people and fans who have been offended by this problem. At that time she didn’t say such things directly but it was subtitled on the screen.”
Jang told of her deep affections for China through the official apology by video and letter, “I have received much love in China. I think China is a new work place and like my second home. I thank everyone who has given me a chance to work and love me. In addition, I want to apologize to those disappointed with me.” However, nothing could change Chinese netizens’ minds even after her apologies.
World figure skating champion Kim Yu-na has set another world record with a flawless performance in the short program at Skate America, the fifth of six events in this year's ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating.
The victory has brought her a step closer to the Grand Prix final set for next month in Tokyo. Skating to a James Bond medleybeating she showed with a clean triple lutz-triple toe loop combination, followed by a triple flip, double axel and solid footwork and she received 76.28 points in the short program of the 2009-2010 fifth Grand Prix series competition, outdoing her own best and previous world record of 76.12set at the world championship in March. She surpassed her rivals by some 20 points. Rachel Flatt of the U.S. came in second with 58.50 points.
Kim said to the press upon arriving in Lake Placid before the game started. “I want to execute a clean program without any mistakes. I tried not to focus too much on scores in the past but my ideal goal at this point is to maintain a score in the 200 range and I have learned that many fans are taking a keen interest in the Skate America event due to my high score [210.3] at the Trophee Bompard in Paris last month. To be honest, it can add to the pressure but I will maintain my focus.” It must be difficult times to a little girl overcoming pressure and responsibilities on her. However as she showed perfectly in the previous days she did it admirably again!
Kim will perform in the free skating program Sunday, aiming for her seventh consecutive Grand Prix victory, and everyone agree that Kim does not have a clear rival to push her this season but with the 2010 Winter Olympics coming up in February in Vancouver, the upcoming ISU Grand Prix events will be a good stage for Kim to hone her program.
Misuda(미수다) instigates malicious gossip again. In this time, not foreigner’s statement, Korean female university student’s statement causes problem.
That day, MC asked foreigners and students “Can you have relationship with short boyfriend?" This question made sensations.
One of them who choose ‘I can’t do it’ said that appearance is very important in this day and age. Then, height is important to compete with others then, short guy is loser and my height is 170cm so, my boyfriend must 180cm at least.
After the broadcast, people blame her violently.
She writes on her mini homepage that this accident happens because of script given by creators. She said that it is my mistake which tell as script is and they want me to tell that. I just say as it is with the world ‘loser’. Of course, I know that it is unpleasant for many people to listen about my remark. I apologize from the bottom of my heart.
Despite her elucidation, people still blame her as well as KBS –broadcast this program-. If she followed the script, that's just a big problem and even though her speaking was not from the script, the editor in TV show must delete this part.
Misuda made sensations foreigner’s speaking which was rude and hostile towards Korean before.
"It was their first trip abroad…” Many people mourn 9 Japanese’s death in the shooting range because of an unknown fire. Among them, 6 died and the rest of them seriously injured.
By looking back upon their school days, these Japanese people were baseball players in their school and used to get together. All men were born in 1972. They came to Busan on November 14 by taking SEIL tourism company schedule which was an overnight trip. This was their first time to go abroad.
25 bereaved family members and 7 Unjen public officials arrived in Busan from Hakata Port. They took informal proceedings of departure procedure and took bus directly to go to Yangsan Busan University Hospital where the bodies were being held.
The director of a Yangsan Busan University Hospital, Sung-hwan Beck, received them and helped these people to identify their family members who were died in Busan.
The police decided to identify the bodies by gene identification if bereaved family members can not recognize the bodies. Also the police cut the press to bereaved family members.
Parents who know that children can be ‘caffeine addiction’ are not many. However children’s food itself is a route of caffeine intake. For example, there are sweets, chocolate, cola and instant food. If parents examine sweets, ices and carbonated drinks carefully (maybe parents unintentionally gave them to children), they will be know that it contains a large amount of caffeine and sugar. When people continually take foods which contain caffeine, faint stimulant’s effect appears and caffeine stimulates the central nerve. It is temporarily effective in refreshing head, but if people are addicted to caffeine they will be add the amount of caffeine to obtain the same effect. It is ‘caffeine addiction’. The problem is that even if adult are out of the question, caffeine can be poison to children. The level that caffeine bears toxicity is about 150mg/kg for adult, but 35mg/kg for children.
Korea food & drug administration(식약청) indicated that the level of caffeine intake per day for children should be under 2.5mg per 1kg. For example, if a kid that weighs 10kg eats milk with coffee and chocolate a day, the amount of caffeine intake is about 38.14mg and it exceeds a standard amount, 25mg. Caffeine which takes at a time is used up at least 3~4 days later because children, in comparison with adult, lose ability to dissolve in the body. It is more likely to disturb children’s growth because it obstructs absorption of calcium and iron that is included in another food. It has also a bad effect on enhancing memory. The probability of being exposed to stress is larger because it causes a kind of stimulant’s effect. If children are continuously exposed to stress, the production of growth hormone will not go smoothly and cause impediment to growth. Therefore caffeine’s excessive intake is bad for children.
To deal with ‘caffeine addiction’, the only method is preventing children from tasting instant food from the first. From a child, children must avoid eating these foods, have a balanced diet, and eat properly. Parents have to feed kid fresh vegetables and fruits every day and make accustomed to eat milk, bean, tofu, soybean milk etc. It is also good way to make checklist whether or not children’s snack contains caffeine. Parents avoid snacks that designate ‘chocolate taste’, ‘coffee taste’ because these foods contain a lot of caffeine. In addition, it is better to feeding vanilla or strawberry ice cream than chocolate ice cream. If kid already tasted caffeine, parents would reduce the amount gradually and seek substitute foods. Parents can feed beverage made by natural fruits in place of cola and hard-boiled food in place of chocolate.
The virtual reality service, “Second Life” withdraws from Korea. Completion service of foreign company is insufficient. The domestic user turned away.
The most popular site of virtual reality, the Second Life, stops their work in Korea. The Second Life is realizing virtual reality through three-dimensional. The user can live another life in the Internet and they are using Avatar. The Second Life has lots of users in America and Europe. Two years ago, it advanced into Korea, but they leaves the Korean market now.
Similarly, the global Internet community, The My Space, also withdrew. It could not endure more than a one year. The My Space has about 200 million members in the world, but in Korea, it could not be noticed. The Google is also subjected to humiliation in Korea. It is a Super Dinosaur that its market share is more than 60 percents in the world, but in Korea its market share is too low.
◆ Providing service of foreign firms is not novel, so they cannot defeat domestic Internet site.
The reason why they fail to succeed their business is that their service is not fresh to Korean. For example, the My Face, it provides “Find Pals” service, but similar service has already existed in Korea. In 1999, “I Love School” was providing this service. After that, “Cyworld” was appearing, and it had about 2,400 thousand user. Nowadays, it is the number one ranking in Korea. And then, the avatar of the Second Life which was used to live virtual reality already used 10 years ago in Korea. One of the directors in the NC soft said, “The Avatar used in foreign site is not better than Korea, especially its graphic level is inferior to Korean graphic level.” and "In addition, this level can not bring down to the Korean level. " In case of search site, Korea excels foreign firms at completion of service. In Google, when we search a certain word, its result is a little disordered, but In Naver, it shows clear result reconstructed which user are finding. The Naver is providing diverse contents, for example news, shopping, weather forecast, dictionary, blog, U.C.C.(User Created Contents) and so on. That is to say, the Naver can provide service which can satisfy its customers. The Naver, to raise its completion of service, is managing 400 monitoring workers. It is trying to satisfy its customers. Mr. Joo, who is doctor in Korean Internet & Security Agency said that the Naver has accumulated huge contents for many years, so the Google which aimed at worldwide people cannot provide convenient service like the Naver service.
◆Foreign service fails in localization in Korea.
It is a important factor that they failed in localization in Korea. They place too much confidence in their brand and they are not trying to bring down to Korean level. In fact, the My Face did not try to make contents which Korean prefer, and it only translated English into Korea. In addition, some foreign adhered to only their principle so they conflicted with Korean Government. Therefore, some foreign firms aroused unwelcome attention. One of the authorized persons in foreign firms said that some foreign company hold the whole power about personnel management and marketing and instruct only Korean employee to follow only manual, so they can not deal with quickly Korean situation.
☞ Second Life Second Life(SL) is a virtual world developed by Linden Lab that launched in 2003. The user can enable to live in Internet by using the Avatar. In virtual reality, they can go to school and buy something by using cyber cash. In addition residents in virtual world enable to interact with others through avatars and can explore, participate in individual and group activities. It is a kind of substitute satisfaction.
☞ SNS·(Social Networking Service) In the Internet space, we can interact with other people and register some essays and photos. It is named as “온라인 인맥 구축 서비스”. Cyworld in Korea, My space and Face Book in America are representative. Face Book has three hundred million users and is so popular. It can be accessible by using wireless Internet.
A father’s heart was broken pieces when he decided to let his baby who was almost over a year go to heaven. He had taken care of his baby for a year beside the sickbed. The baby’s mother was standing at a law court with tears in her eyes.
A high court of justice judged that it was no use for the baby born with myasthenia, 13 months, ‘Arby’(false name), to be treated for the prolongation of his life so they decided mercy killing, reported by British on November 10th.
Even though the baby was not damaged in his brain, he suffered from a rare malady which is being unable to control almost every muscle. He couldn’t move, speak and laugh. He had been saving his breath on a pulmotor since his birth. The baby’s mother accepted the judgment as she couldn’t see her baby’s pain any longer. Nevertheless, the baby’s father was unwilling to accept the decision. He wanted to make his baby live by inserting a tube in the baby’s neck to provide oxygen as a bronchotomy(the operation’s name). It was hard to believe that neither parents’ earnestness nor high developed medical technique could save the baby. As the argument at the law court went on, their bodies and mind got exhausted.
The judge, Mac Palein, who made the judgment said, “Considering lots of medical views and evidence, mercy killing is the only reasonable decision.” “The baby would be painful and uncomfortable everyday and every time, and his pain can not be expressed because he can’t move and make sound at all”, he added. A medical scientist, Andrew Bush, supported the judgment of the court, saying the least life quality of the baby can’t ratify the prolongation of his life.
A remark about short men said by a female student guest on KBS TV’s tall show ‘Misuda’ is hot issue on society.
This female student was introduced as ‘beauty queen’ of she’s university. She was asked whether she can have relationship with short men and she answers “I don’t like short men. I think short man is loser” and She said that she’s dating partner should stand at least 180 centimeters tall.
While the debate range in Internet, she posted a letter on she’s mini homepage on Cyworld that this remark is not she’s real thinks and she just read the script of the program. She also said sorry about she’s remark but now she’s mini homepage is closed.
After this program was broadcast, some Internet users deprecated she’s remark as they posted their pinion on ‘Misuda’ programs website that she had not thinks and she have to received blame about she’s behaviors. Other users attack she’s homepage and they posted she’s private life after searching she’s past writing. for these reasons, she is having difficult time.
KBS that broadcast this program is also having hard time. They said that we sorry about this problem and we didn’t think this remark gives discomfort to people. They announce ‘Misuda’s program producers will be exchanged.
Some research findings have been announced fat people can be more dangerous. On 4th, Los Angeles Times (LAT) quoted a report which was published in JAMA (a medical journal of America associations) that obesity is as similar as risk probability of what pregnant women catch a new type of flu. According to a written report, public representatives of health department in California had checked 268 patients who were identified by BMI from this spring on which the new flu started to last August 11th. 156 of 268 patients were obesity and diseased obese patients were 67 that were 25 percents. Normally diseased obesity of whole people is 4.8 percents and the rate of diseased obese patients who got the new flu exceed diseased obesity rate of the whole people. Based on the US CDC (the U.S. Centers for Disease Control), if BMI is over 30, adults categorize into obesity and if it is over 40, they are diseased obesity. Pregnancy women rate that got the new flu is almost six times as many as the pregnancy women rate of the whole. The researchers said obese patients who were infected with the new flu have already involved with some risk like lung conditions, heart trouble, and sugar diabetes. This newsletter was reported that was supported to the results of experiments using rats. The research team at North Carolina University also found that 42 percents of obese rats that had an infection were died but only 5 percents of slim rats were died. Lung of the obese rats did not make an immune cell that fights with virus.
The government announced that to help the rehabilitation of Afghanistan society they decided to operate independent provincial reconstruction team (PRT) and deploy the troop consisting of police and army. Mun Tae-young, spokesman at the ministry of foreign affairs and trade, prevailed that to participate actively in the stabilization and reconstruction of Afghanistan the government decided to install enlarged PRT in Afghanistan. Also, he reported that as other countries’ PRT self-defense forces for protection of our manpower and facilities and the proper number of police officers and army forces are planned to send to afghan, according to the process of domestic law including a parliament consensus. The main purpose of PRT is to support the overall reconstruction businesses including strengthening capacities of a state administration, setting infrastructure and providing humanitarian aid in a state. It means the government is going to manipulate independent PRT separate from 25 members involved in medical services and vocational programs in Bagram Air Base in Kabul as members of the Provincial Reconstruction Team.
The Size of Dispatch
However, the government has yet to decide how big the dispatch scale is. The administration only revealed the scale of PRT in which at least 130 civil affairs specialists will be included. The government has a plan to send a Korean interagency fact-finding team to afghan in early November after a council of relevant ministries. It is the government position that the size of dispatch could be decided after an interagency team chooses a place where PRT will be installed by consulting with Afghanistan government and NATO because it would be clear what kind of assistance is needed and how bad its public security is.
Korean troops will be dispatched in the middle of the next year. As other countries’ precedents it will take about 4 to 6 months to prepare for PRT installment after a council with NATO and rent a place from Afghan government. It is anticipated that troops will be dispatched around in February and March, at latest by April or May, if the government’s on-site inspection team goes to Afghan next month and the preparation for the dispatch is conducted properly. Also, it takes time for the domestic procedure, such as a parliament consensus. When it comes to the area to dispatch, among 34 states they are considering only three states that are out of PRT; however, if those areas are not suitable to dispatch, the government seems to take over an area that has been ruled by another country.
Background of dispatch
As the government made a conclusion to install PRT and dispatch troops to Afghan, sending troops is in two years after 2007, when military engineers and medics are completely withdrawn from Afghanistan. It seems that to change the government position that there is going to be no more dispatch because of threats of terror two years ago is owing to a consideration of contribution to international society and strengthening of the ties between South Korea and the U.S. It is true that Korea has its international responsibility commensurate to its enhanced status in terms of national capacity for instance, United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Gi-moon and G20 submit to be held in Korea in next year. Also, Korean government must consider the tough position of the U.S that faces the most difficult matter of Afghanistan. An argument that to dispatch to Afghan is inevitable because the regime should prevent the U.S from redeploying the troops in Korea to the urgent country came from a section of political circles.
Possibility of a terror and protection of Korean abroad
However, to operate independent PRT could cause a battle and is be target of terrorism in that it means taking responsibility of public security. In particular, in Afghan as well as overall Middle East the possibility that Koreans would be a target of terrorist obviously has risen. In the former presidency, to help Afghan and Iraq reconstruct Korean government dispatched non-combat troops, but Koreans were a consecutive target. In addition in August, 2007, 21 South Korean Christian missionaries safely came back to Korea after two victims out of 23 kidnapped by the Taliban in Afghanistan, promising that Korean troops will be withdrawn within that year. Some people point out that it is meaningless to classify combat troops and non-combat troops because the Taliban regards Korean forces as an army helping the U.s army. Moreover, the situation of Afghan now is worse than before, controlling by Taliban more that 80% of the country.
For prevent diffusing of swine flu, the ministry of national defense issue the ban of soldier’s holiday, but many people protested the ministry of national defense’s decision which prohibit soldier’s holiday.
Most of challenger is lover and family of soldier. They dissatisfied that the ministry of national defense suddenly announced prohibition of soldier’s holyday. Then, they thought that this announcement don’t right, because leader of army has holiday very often.
Miss. Jo, lover of one soldier, said that during the visiting, only person caught swine flu is prohibited the visiting, and the visiting of lover and family inspired many soldier, but if prohibit this visiting, many soldier were discourage.
Mr. Sung said that most of all leader of army can commute every day, but prohibition of many soldier’s holiday is unfair.
Miss. Lee, girl friend of corporal in GOP, said that essentially her boy friend has middle holiday, but holiday was prohibit by Ministry of National Defense, so she very get angry this decision of Ministry of National Defense.
The Ministry of National Defense announced that prohibition of soldier’s holiday protects our soldier, so many people understand Ministry of National Defense’s decision.
The government raised the level of the H1N1 influenza pandemic to its highest ‘Red’ level. Jun Jae-hee, The Minister of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs (MHWFA) reported this to President Lee during a cabinet meeting.
The H1N1 alert level is divided into four phases - Blue, Yellow, Orange and Red. The government announced ‘Yellow’ level on the 21st of July and maintained this level. Since more than 10,000 new H1N1 cases per day were recorded and people have died, the government finally raised the level to ‘Red’. The government made the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention including the minister of Public Administration and Security and decided to be under emergency work system to prevent the spread of the H1N1.
The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been made for natural disasters such as typhoons and floods but this is the first time to be made for the spread of infectious diseases. The minister of Public Administration and Security is the head of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other top executives to be responsible for the prevention, response, work control, and integrated management on situation. When the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention set up, extra Centers for control will be operated in 16 cities and provinces, 230 cities and towns.
Instead of not closing schools which are the centers of the spread of H1N1, the government will finish giving flu vaccines to elementary• middle• high school students until the beginning of December by putting more people like military surgeons.
Meanwhile, President Lee asked for full coordination between ministries and local governments to allay growing public concerns over the rapidly spreading Influenza. President Lee also said, “This is not an issue to be dealt by the health ministry alone. All ministries should act responsibly and cooperate to come up with an effective system” and “All ministries should cooperate by controlling vaccinations and the treatment to ensure people remain calm amid fear about the virus.”
EBS TV '다큐 아이’ will convey the diplomat 13 years old boy, Sinwoo Lee, who is well up in English by self-study at 8:00 in the afternoon of 9th.
Sinsoo Lee, the six form of Anyang Shingi elementary school, is the ‘boy diplomat’ who learned English by self-study and takes the initiative in introducing Korea cultural heritage to the foreign tourists. He works as a child cultural heritage commentator at International Exchange & Cultural Promotion Institute now, surprises people around him because he does things well in English that even Korean is hard to do.
Without going to abroad and being taught from a tutor or the academy institution, the secret which he was able to understand English is that he read an English book steadily since 5 years old. From picture books of trains and cars to history books, he solved anything trough reading English books if curiosity occurred. He was able to bring up English ability in such a special study habit naturally.
He has been doing voluntary service for explanation cultural heritage at the History Museum, five palaces in Seoul and the Bukchon Traditional Korean Village for three years, and his English ability improved a lot as much as he can associate and share jokes with foreigners freely.
He did not miss the new relationship with the foreigner who met while doing commentator activities. He says hello to them with exchanging letters, on the telephone and he studied English happily than any others.
From this March, his language talent was recognized by Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education, selected as the language talented child and goes to the institution of special education for the gifted at Gyeonggi Academy of Foreign Language. His dream is to be the diplomat who introduces Korean culture widely to foreigners in the world.
The beautiful sceneries of white masts swaying by the wind on the sea are tens of yachts waiting for anchoring in the marina facilities. Jeongok port in Whasung city, Kyunggido is being changed as a yacht's paradise, which was just a small port five years ago.
Jeongok port successfully hold a world yacht tournament and a international boat show from last year and also, it is gradually preparing a infrastructure. The starting point is a first marina facility which has completed for about 114 yachts on 5th of November. On 2014, facilities will be completed for mooring 633 yachts. It is the largest size as a single port in all over the country.
Jeongok port is the best place as water leisure sports as following reason. It can float yachts throughout 24 hours because it has a little surf and keeps the depth of water more than 3 meters. Mr. Hunggi Min, the president of yacht-importer, said "there are only three places in the western sea which can anchor yachts at low tide. Jeongok is one of them." Actually, tideland was seen at ebb tide in other sea connected with Jebu island. But, marina place is still full of water. Now more people is visiting to Jeongok port by being well-known from a international boat show and a world yacht tournament.
According to Kyunggido, the annual selling scale of world water sports industry is 895 million dollar. Jeongok port is dreaming for a advanced base to participate this large-scale market. Kyunggido is making an ocean industrial complex in the backyard of Jeongok port. It is for gathering a manufacturing company related to yachts on this place. AMTEC(Advanced Marine Technology) is one of manufacturers which is producing yachts with a 100 % local technology. It moved to here from Yangsan, KyungNam in 2005.
Also, Kyunggido is making a project for developing as a hub of yacht in Asia including Tandoport and Jebudo. Youngun choi, mayor of Hwasung, said "they will plan to start with a government the administration procedures of reclamation in western sea. In case it proceeds successfully, the shore of Hwasung centered of Jeongokport will be a mecca of sea leisure in Korea."
Bad lifestyle makes cancer In 1992, 17 years ago, he was diagnosed colon cancer in the third stage. The diagnosis shocked him because usually he, a physical teacher, was confident of his health. The doctor said he would be operated on, but his survival rate for 5 years is 20 percent, and then he decided to go out the hospital. When he came back home, he thought why he had taken the cancer. The first, he is combative, also alcohol, overwork and meat are parts of problems. He thought he had have sinned in his body. After that, he unconditionally bought anything that is good for his cancer, he even relied on folk remedies. However these cures were useless, his cancer had spread to the colon and the lymph node after all. He underwent big surgical operation, but the cancer already infiltrated in the whole body. Then, he realized it is impossible to cure his cancer with modern medicine. Raising immunity is a key of life He had agonized day and night, and he decided to go to countryside. When he arrived there, he practiced a raw vegetables diet during 100 days. It is then that he read the interview with a director of a nursing home in a magazine. He learned eating natural foods at first time. He has given up eating meats, and has eaten natural foods. This diet completely cured the cancer and even changed his character. He insists that natural foods are not just a meal, but eating habits to fix the broken bodies.
If you are so eager for something, it can change you. He had a meal that is full of the nutrient and changed his lifestyle in good environment. He has kept the rules; Go to bed and get up early, do exercise for 40 minutes every day and drink fresh water in time. When he completely recovered, he opened ‘the house of natural life’ with his wife, and has run ‘the program of curing a cancer’. He always has a one-on-one talk with those who come in the house, and asked five questions. He can find out a cause and solution of cancer from the questions.
The first question is related their work because their cancer has a close relation their work. Second, what they like food? Many people who like meats suffer from colon, breast and prostate cancer. Third, do they exercise? He insists that they have to exercise for 30 minutes, at least five times a week. The fourth question is how much they drink water in a day. They usually drink one to three cups of water, but they have to drink six to eight cups averagely. Water is eliminating waste matter in body.
Finally, he asked that when they go to sleep. He said that people have to go to bed between nine and ten o’clock, and fell in deep sleep to a minimum seven to eight hours. To go to bed early is the first button for refreshing the body and a sleep is medicine that makes immunity high.
In Korea, “green growth” policies became a priority for the administration of President Lee Myung-bak after it launched its Green New Deal program last year. The Green New Deal is a road map for reviving the economy and creating jobs under the umbrella of environmental protection.
Korea has been pursuing these policies through the production of goods such as food, beverages, cosmetics and diapers and the development of technology, transportation, housing systems and business strategies. Nevertheless, Korea is recently one of the top nine carbon dioxide-emitting countries. It is also the world’s fourth largest importer of crude oil and the world’s seventh largest oil consumer.
“Korea is not yet among the countries required to reduce carbon emissions, but it is important for Korea to participate in this global movement for the future of the country’s economy,” said Yang Kook-bo, director of environmental policies at the Korea-Trade Investment Promotion Agency. “Honestly, I think we should have done this earlier.”
Major Korean companies that emit carbon dioxide in large quantities. In addition, Korea imports many of its energy resources, which makes it reliant upon other countries for its energy needs. These factors make renewable energy even more important for Korea. If the country can develop ways to produce and distribute renewable energy, it won’t need to import so many raw materials from other countries so, it will be able to decrease the amount of greenhouse gases it produces.
That means Korea needs to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy. What is renewable energy? Renewable energy is energy generated from natural sources such as the sun, wind and water that are unlimited and do not pollute the environment.
Yang believes that Korean companies should move quickly to acquire or develop the technology needed to produce alternative sources of energy. In recent years, Korea has been working to develop renewable energy sources. But the use of solar and wind power, for example, is still low compared to other advanced countries. However, the biggest obstacle to using renewable energy is still the cost of the initial investment. This prevents many countries from using more renewable energy because fossil fuels are still less expensive.
In Korea, the fundamental technology needed to generate and distribute solar, wind and water power still needs to be imported here from abroad. To develop new technology that will be able to support renewable energy, the Korean government will raise 111.5 trillion won until 2030. The government will spend 39.2 trillion won, and the rest of the money will come from the private sector.
former President Park Jung-hee and the Manchurian neswpaper
Former President Park Jung-hee's pledge with his blood was open to the public. In the pledge, he swore that he would devote himself to Japan to go for a Manchurian army which was manipulated by Japan. The fact has shocked a nation.
The Nation Problem Institute, which was established to study and prove Korean modern and contemporary national problems, opened a Manchurian newspaper article on March 31, 1939 which carried the Park’s pledge. According to the article, former President Park applied for a Manchurian Army while he was working as a teacher in Munkung but he was rejected because of his exceeded age. However, he did not abandon and sent a pledging letter with his blood where he swore he would dedicate himself to Japan by killing himself in 1939.
In this letter, he wrote “I have a strong decision as Japanese. I would devote my life” Finally Park entered Manchurian Army in 1940 after three trials and left the Army as an honor soldier in March, 1942 so he was given a golden watch by Manchurian Emperor Pui. Seven months later, he entered a Japan Military Academy as an honor soldier and left it with Japanese soldiers in April, 1944.
A member of the institute said “A very nature of the Biographical Dictionary of Pro Japanese People has faded and become a political issue as Park Ji-man, who is a son of former President Park, applied for prohibition of provisional disposition. We do not want the very purpose, establishment of national history, to be defamed so we threw the original copy open to the public to prevent unnecessary criticism"
Some netizens said, “I feel betrayed” “He was held in high esteem as an economic president, but he had no patriotism” “He was just Japanese” “He has to reflect his fault” and blamed him.
On the other hand, others said “That happened in the colonial period so let’s not disgrace ourselves” “He accomplished economic growth when we were very poor” and defended him.
The Biographical Dictionary of Pro Japanese People is supposed to be open to the public on November 8, 2009.
“All around the world, 한과(traditional cookie of Korea) is the only fermented snack. I’ll make 한과 global cookie that all people liked, which is made from natural materials without an artificial additive, having good-looking shapes.”
The president of 교동한과(Kyodong Hangoa), which takes more than 70 percent of Hangoa markets, Young-suk Sim, was housewife until her late-forties. At that time, her husband worked at a trading company. For husband’s foreign buyers, she had to choose gifts. Then, she thought, “How about to make traditional food that represents Korea”, then made 유가(Yougou, it is another name of Hangoa). She wrapped it up in Korean paper, 한지(Hanji). Foreigners, who tasted it, asked her to make a few boxes for present. Her husband invited her to start an enterprise formally, so she established ‘강릉교동한과(Gangneung Kyodong Hangoa)’ in 1999.
“I was so interested. When I made new product, customers liked it. It was very exciting. I did my best to make new 한과 which is good for health and tastes nice. Ten years just passed like one year.”
The company has grown more than 20 percent annually, last year in its 10-year history, exceeded 10 billion of total sales. The product, which is developed for exports, is ‘고시볼(Gosi ball).’ She said, “I worried how to make 한과 to suit all people’s tastes in the world. Thus, I decided to make small and soft snack that babies can eat. After freeze the right season fruits, dry it, grind, and cover it on snack. It becomes the most popular product.” 고시볼, which came out last May, sold so rapid that it has 15 percent of total company’s sales.
She said that “한과 has the advantage of well-being food. It is the task that makes 한과 good-looking and beautiful to attract foreigners.”
“Because 한과 is fermented snack, it hardly goes bad. Also, it doesn’t need to add a food preservative because of covered by grain syrup. It has ancient wisdom. I’ll draw traditional patterns in packing paper to inform Korea,” she told her ambition.
In Texas army base, 13 soldiers dead and more than 30 injured
Nidal Malik Hasan suspected of
the shooting rampage at Fort Hood
A military psychiatrist who had felt anxiety about being deployed to Iraq killed 13 soldiers and wounded at least 30 others on a shooting rampage at Fort Hood Army base in Texas. Ironically, the 39-year-old suspect, Nidal Malik Hasan, have treated other soldiers with mental problems after combats.
Hasan came to the medical care center this afternoon and fired widely at soldiers who were doing a physical examination. He was captured with four gunshots from security forces but expected to survive. This tragedy clearly showed that the battle fatigue among American soldiers due to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has been steadily getting worse. “We will investigate this shocking incidence closely so that there would be no doubt about that” pledged the White House.
An American-born Muslim of Palestinian descent, he was distressed at engaging in a fratricidal war. A CCTV reported by CNN captured him having breakfast in a cafeteria with Arabic costumes this morning. Although he does not speak Arabic very well, he was highly critical of the Iraq war and thus would clash with peers who agreed with the war. His cousin said that he felt harassed by other soldiers because of his Muslim faith. According to the Washington Post, as Hassan has recently been much interested in Muslim, he often showed himself in the Muslim center.
Hasan, who was normally calm, was under investigation half a year ago because he posted a comment that glosses over suicide bombings on the Internet. The AP news reported that the government was investigating whether he linked to an organization of extremists, but nothing has been revealed.