A self-esteem of Japan which is a kingdom of electronic product dropped on the floor. Samsung and LG hold the first and second rank in the world TV market. We cannot see the name of Japanese businesses in the world cell-phone market. The total profit of major electronics companies of Japan such as Sony, Panasonic, Sharp and so on is less than Samsung electronics' one of Korea. Japanese electronics companies which was called "Bank" because stacked cash flowed are in condition to worry about survival.
Fitch, one of the most renowned international ratings agencies, downgraded 3 grade and 2 grade respectively by presenting that the credit rating of Sony is 'BB-'. and one of Panasonic is 'BB'. The credit rating of Japanese electronics companies which make money in the world market fell into level of junk. Sony, Panasonic and Sharp attempted to make a comeback by restructuring about 10,000 employees this year, but it is difficult to predict the future because of drop of competitiveness and deterioration of ability of corporate acquirers.
The collapse of Japanese electronic companies is predicted beforehand. They crumbled as sandcastle because of three years of misfortune that are the financial crisis of Europe, the high value of the yen and the Earthquake of Japan in circumstance that the competitive of product of their enterprises is lower than Samsung and LG. The creative energy of Japanese corporations faded away after first-generation people who are filled with an enterpreneurial spirit reitred. They couldn't catch up with speedy change of digital technology because they focused on a progressive improvement rather than a daring innovation. The orgnization which is run by management specialist focused on domestic rather thatn following the flow of the world economy because of conservatization and bureaucratization. Eventually, they missed proper time of investment decision and restructing.
There is no eternal winner in market. The correct answer isnt' there, too. That is a lesson that Japanese companies who are called a textbook of management give to us. Korean companies improve the organization by restructuring after financial crisis, and they construct a leadership which was combined with an owner of the company and a strategy organization, so they catch up with Japan's one. Their fortes are a long-term vision, a drastic investment, a quick decision-making and power of execution. Now, Japanese and Western companies as well as enterprises of emerging market such as China and India are learning a style of management of Korea.
Major companies of Korea are facing the important time that they have to jump up to be creators of market. It is essential to stand a market order by rectifying the leader's illegal act and an unfair trade of major companies. However, political community must not butcher a cow when they are about to adjust its horn.
The original article:
Intermediate writing class #3
French Education
200710634 Jiho Kim
The last paragraph was a little difficult to understand. Why did you suddenly talk about "illegal"?
ReplyDelete"Major companies of Korea are facing the important time that they have to jump up to be creators of market. It is essential to stand a market order by rectifying the leader's illegal act and an unfair trade of major companies. However, political community must not butcher a cow when they are about to adjust its horn."